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2021 Legislative Session Overview

Memorial Day was the last day of the Regular 87th Legislative session. While there were several bills filed this session relating to the agency and its license holders, not all of those bills made it through the process.  The following is a summary of bills that passed both houses of the Legislature and have a direct effect on license holders. The agency is currently working on implementing the provisions of these bills. 

Proposed and Adopted Rules from the May 2021 Commission Meeting

During the May Commission meeting, rules relating to the Inspector Standards of Practice (SOP) were proposed. These proposed revisions are the product of many meetings of the Inspector SOP subcommittee and the work of the entire Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee. The Commission also adopted a rule which helps streamline the process for petitioning the Commission for the adoption of rules. See the full agenda and materials on the 

Three New Commission Members Confirmed

AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce the confirmation of broker members Leslie Lerner and Mark Woodroof and public member Ben Peña as new commissioners for terms to expire on January 31, 2027.  The Commissioners were nominated in March and were confirmed by Senate vote on April 28, 2021.