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TREC Planning Tour Going Virtual 

The Texas Real Estate Commission is pleased to announce the 2020 virtual planning tour. Due to travel restrictions related to the Coronavirus, TREC moved the tour online. Join TREC Chair, Scott Kesner, and TREC Executive Director Chelsea Buchholtz as they discuss the future of the agency. In a rapidly changing market, the agency needs to hear from license holders about what issues matter most to them.  

Progress Report from Our Agency to Texas:

In early April, the Texas Real Estate Commission publicly apologized to Texans for the unacceptable quality of our customer service efforts and we promised to take a number of steps to do better. This is a progress report on what we have done so far and what additional steps remain to be implemented to restore and improve our service.

The Sunset Review of the Texas Real Estate Commission and Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board

The mission and performance of the Texas Real Estate Commission and Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board are under review by the Legislature as required under the Texas Sunset Act.  The Act provides that the Sunset Commission, composed of legislators and public members, periodically evaluate a state agency to determine if the agency is still needed and to explore ways to ensure that the agency's funds are well spent.  Based on the recommendations of the Sunset Commission, the Texas Legislature ultimately decides whether an agency continues to operate into the future.

From the Chair - Inspector Committee - February 2018

The Inspector Committee met in Austin on January 22nd to discuss a packed agenda. Several inspectors made the trip to Austin for this meeting.  I would like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to attend and I appreciate your important input.  Inspector attendance at these meetings is invaluable because it provides the Committee the opportunity to hear the ideas and concerns of inspectors from all over the state.  The Committee is meeting again on Monday, February 26th at 10am.

TREC's Advertising Rules - What You Need To Know

The effective date of the new rules is May 15, 2018, and we want to make sure everyone is thoroughly prepared for the changes.


These rules are the result of years of work by the Commission and key stakeholders focusing on clarity of advertisements for consumers with the least restrictions on license holders. The rules also update, interpret and balance revised statutory requirements supporting free commerce and business competition with those protecting the consumer from misleading advertisements.

TREC Announces Extension For All License Holders Affected By Hurricane Harvey

In the wake of Hurricane Harvey, the Texas Real Estate Commission and the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (the Agency) extended all deadlines for two months for all license holders and applicants statewide with license expiration or application deadlines in August and September. This extension ended on October 31, 2017. 

2017 Legislative Update from TREC

Memorial Day was the last day of the 85th Legislative session. Several bills were filed this session relating to the agency and its license holders but not all of those bills made it through the process.  Following is a summary of bills that passed both houses of the Legislature and have direct effect on license holders.

Reporting Visible and Present Indications of Adverse Performance in a Foundation

Section 535.228(a) of the Texas Administrative Code (Foundations) requires an inspector to render a written opinion as to the performance of the foundation. Many inspectors understand this to mean one of two things; the foundation is either performing or it is not performing. But sometimes the inspector is unable to determine this with sufficient confidence.