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Broker Responsibility Working Group April meeting recap includes proposed rule changes

The Broker Responsibility Working Group (BRWG) met April 12. Members reviewed public comment submitted in response to a new proposed rule, 535.157 — Obligation to Respond Timely, and proposed changes to 535.2 — Broker Responsibility Rule. The group also continued discussion regarding the difference between a broker and a sponsoring broker, and whether there should be additional education requirements for sponsoring brokers.

What Every License Holder Needs to Know About Going Inactive

An unexpected illness, a new opportunity, a change in the market, or a change in your personal life: These are all common reasons why Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) license holders may take a break from the business.

Whether your break is planned or unexpected, setting your sales agent, broker, or inspector license to inactive status before your renewal or renewing as inactive is the best move if you want return to the real estate business in the future. Here’s why.

New Online Services Available for ERW Agents and Brokers

The Texas Real Estate Commission has launched new enhancements to the online services portal to make it easier for easement or right-of-way agents and brokers to submit certain applications.

Easement or Right-of-Way Agent Online Applications

The Easement or Right-of-Way Agent or ERW Business initial applications are now available on the online services portal. This allows easement or right-of-way agents to apply online instead of submitting a paper application, although paper applications will still be accepted.

Don’t Want to Retake the Licensing Exam? Make Sure You Renew Before This Deadline

It’s been more than two years since the pandemic changed the real estate landscape and how you do business, and your license renewal may not be on your mind. But now is the time to ensure your license hasn’t been expired for more than two years, which requires you to take extra steps to renew.

Broker Responsibility Working Group Recommends Response Times for Brokers and Sales Agents, Increased Oversight of Sales Agents’ First-Time Brokerage Activity

The Broker Responsibility Working Group (BRWG) met April 13 and made two proposed recommendations that will be discussed during the next TREC Workshop on May 3. Feedback from the TREC Workshop discussion will be part of the next BRWG meeting in July.