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Have You Noticed Longer Hold Times with TREC?

As a result of the healthy Texas real estate market, the agency has seen an increase in new applications and longer hold times.  TREC is committed to providing superior customer service to anyone who reaches out to the agency. Part of that commitment is a dedication to ensure short hold times and quick responses to emails. To ensure the agency is maintaining the highest level of customer service, TREC has hired and is now training additional staff to answer phones and respond to emails.   

May Coffee with The Commission Video

In case you missed it, we have published the May "Coffee with the Commission" session. TREC Chair, Scott Kesner and TREC Executive Director, Chelsea Buchholtz discussed the latest from the May TREC Commission meeting and answered your questions about recently adopted rules, the legislative session, upcoming events, and more. 


UPDATE: Business Entity Licenses Restored

Broker business entity licenses were inactivated in error on Wednesday, June 2, 2021. The issue is resolved, and all licenses are restored.

All business entity licenses have been updated and the TREC website should reflect the accurate status of your license. Business entities and agents can once again manage their sponsorships online as well. If you believe your license status is not correct please contact TREC.

Proposed and Adopted Rules from the May 2021 Commission Meeting

During the May Commission meeting, rules relating to the Inspector Standards of Practice (SOP) were proposed. These proposed revisions are the product of many meetings of the Inspector SOP subcommittee and the work of the entire Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee. The Commission also adopted a rule which helps streamline the process for petitioning the Commission for the adoption of rules. See the full agenda and materials on the 

Three New Commission Members Confirmed

AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce the confirmation of broker members Leslie Lerner and Mark Woodroof and public member Ben Peña as new commissioners for terms to expire on January 31, 2027.  The Commissioners were nominated in March and were confirmed by Senate vote on April 28, 2021. 

February Commission Meeting Updated Information

Pursuant to section 551.0411 of the Texas Government Code, the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is postponing its February 16, 2021, quarterly open meeting to February 19, 2021, at 9:00 am The State of Texas is experiencing unprecedented snowfall, extreme temperatures, rolling blackouts, and power outages that are catastrophic and prohibitive of conducting the meeting at its posted scheduled date and time.  TREC will take up items posted with the Secretary of State on its February 16, 202

TREC Statement on Events at the US Capitol

The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) has received many comments and requests related to license holders’ involvement in the events that occurred at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. The Commission is limited in the action it may take against real estate license holders by the Real Estate License Act, the governing law that describes the Commission’s jurisdiction. For instance, the Commission may suspen

TREC Launches Next Phase of Education Provider Audit Program

AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) will launch the second phase of the education provider audit program in January 2021.  TREC rules give staff authority to audit education providers and permits staff to conduct on-site audits without prior notice.  Staff may also enroll in and attend a course without identifying themselves as TREC employees. 

TREC Purchasing Manager Named Woman of the Year

AUSTIN, TX – The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to announce Regina Durden, purchasing manager, was named “Woman of the Year” by the Executive Women in Texas Government (EWTG). The announcement of this prestigious award was made at the November 2020 EWTG conference. Ms. Durden is the first recipient of this award at the Texas Real Estate Commission. Congratulations go to Ms. Durden on this well-deserved honor.