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From the Executive Director - May 2021

Happy May to each of you. I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating the mothers in your life last weekend. Later this month, we celebrate Memorial Day. We honor those who have given their lives for our country.  As we gather with friends and family to kick off summer, I encourage each of you to take a moment to solemnly consider those who did not return from the battlefield and acknowledge the cost of our freedom. 

From the Chair - February 2021

Happy February! This month we have passed the one-year mark since the first cases of COVID-19 were reported in the US.  Much has changed in the last year, but I am proud of what our team at TREC has continued to do for the people of Texas. License applications continue to be processed smoothly, and our customer service team continues to provide excellent assistance to those who need it. I genuinely hope that this New Year brings us all peace and a shift towards more

From the Chair - Inspector Committee - January 2021

The Inspector Advisory Committee met virtually on January 15th.  This was a lengthy meeting, as there was a lot to cover on this go around.  First off, I would like to welcome the two newest members of the IAC.  Bruce Carpenter is an inspector member from Pittsburg, and Brian Carroll is a public member from Temple.  Both of them dove right into the meeting providing feedback and giving input, so it was clear that they came prepared to be involved with the IAC. 

From the Chair - January 2021

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday filled will peace and joy. During the holidays, I like to take time to reflect on the past year and the agency's direction. I am grateful for so many things during these times, including a fantastic team of employees, volunteers, and appointed Commission members.

From the Chair - November 2020

I hope this message finds you recovering from Halloween and the election. In these uncertain times, I urge us all to focus on what matters to us most. November brings Thanksgiving, and with that a unique opportunity to give thanks. This year is one for the record books, but I am grateful to live in the great state of Texas.

From the Chair - Inspector Committee - October 2020

The Inspector Advisory Committee met on October 12 via teleconference.  There were some public comments submitted in response to the newly proposed Consumer Protection Notice, and most of the feedback was positive.  The new notice includes verbiage to inform consumers that inspectors are required to carry E&O insurance, and that inspectors have the ability to limit their liability through the use of an agreement between themselves and their client.