Yes, if the sponsoring broker has delegated to you in writing the responsibility to assist the broker in complying with the Real Estate License Act and Commission rules. A license holder who leads, supervises, directs, or manages a team must also be delegated as a supervisor. A delegated supervisor may be either a sales agent or broker.
Even with a delegated supervisor, the sponsoring broker does not relinquish overall responsibility for the supervision of license holders.
By supervising the work of a license holder, you are helping the sponsoring broker comply with the Real Estate License Act and Commission Rules. Despite any delegation, however, the sponsoring broker does not relinquish overall responsibility for the supervision of license holders. This means that if TREC receives a complaint about a sales agent, it is not a defense that the broker’s responsibility was delegated to another.
Section 535.2(e) of Commission Rules requires the sponsoring broker to provide the name of each delegated supervisor to the Commission for any delegation that has lasted or is anticipated to last more than three consecutive months. Such notice must be provided within 30 days of any delegation. Brokers may use either the current form, Notice of Delegation of Supervising License Holder or may log into My License Online Services. Once the delegation ends, the broker must notify the Commission in the same manner within 30 days.
Here are a few things to note:
- Just like brokers, a delegated supervisor is obligated to respond to license holders they supervise, clients, and license holders representing other parties in real estate transactions within 2 days. Delegated supervisors must also deliver mail or other correspondence from the Commission to the license holders they supervise within 3 days after receipt.
- If you are a delegated supervisor, your name must appear on the Information About Brokerage Services form as the “Licensed Supervisor of Sales Agent/Associate.”
- A delegated supervisor is required to take the six-hour Broker Responsibility course before license renewal.
- It is the responsibility of the broker associate or newly licensed broker to notify the Commission in writing when they no longer act as a delegated supervisor