Initial Application
This content is related to the initial application for a license.
Application for Real Estate Broker License by a Business Entity
Relationship Management Tool User Guide
Welcome to the TREC Relationship Management Tool User Guide. This tool allows both sales agents and brokers to easily manage their relationships, online, without delay. This User Guide provides an in-depth understanding of how the tool works, as well as easy to understand, step by step instructions.
If you are a current license agent and have not already registered, you must first register with “My License Services”. It is recommended that you register with your personal email address.
Become an Apprentice Inspector
An Apprentice Inspector is a person who is in training under the direct supervision of a professional inspector to become qualified to perform a real estate inspections.
You have one year from the date your application is filed to meet all license requirements. Once you have met all license requirements, TREC will send an active apprentice inspector license to you via email.
Become an Easement or Right-of-Way Business
The Real Estate License Act requires a business entity (corporation, LLC or partnership) to be registered as an easement or right-of-way business if the business entity provides easement or right-of-way services.
A business entity is required to designate one of its managing officers as its agent for a registration to be issued. A corporation must designate one of its managing officers, an LLC must designate a manager, and a partnership must designate a general partner. The designated agent must be individually registered as an ERW agent.
Become an Easement or Right-of-Way Agent
An Easement or Right-of-Way (ERW) agent is a person who negotiates easements on behalf of a company, government agency, or property owner for use in connection with telecommunication, utility, railroad, or pipeline services.
Become a Professional Real Estate Inspector
A Professional Real Estate Inspector is a person who is trained and qualified to perform real estate inspections and who accepts employment to perform a real estate inspection for a buyer or seller of real property. Professional inspectors may also supervise or sponsor Real Estate Inspectors and Apprentice Inspectors.
You have one year from the date your application is filed to meet all license requirements. Once you have met all license requirements, TREC will send an active professional inspector license to you via email.
Become a Business Entity Real Estate Broker
A licensed business entity real estate broker is an organization that can act as a real estate broker and is qualified to conduct business in Texas.
- Be authorized to transact business in Texas
- Designate an active Texas real estate broker to act on behalf of the organization
Additional Qualifications for Foreign Business Entities
A business entity created or chartered under the laws of another state may apply for a license in Texas if the business entity:
Become a Real Estate Sales Agent
A sales agent is a person who is licensed by the Real Estate Commission to act as an agent on behalf of a real estate broker and their clients. A sales agent must be sponsored by a licensed Broker in order to perform any act of real estate services.