Suitability Questions
Reasons a License Will Not Issue
You gave an answer to a question that may prevent you from completing your online transaction. See below for more information.
Are you trying to renew?
You answered "Yes" to this question on a first time sales agent application. Do not submit this first time sales agent application if you are trying to renew your license. Please call our office at 512-936-3000 or email us at for assistance with your online renewal.
Are you subject to Sales Apprentice Education (SAE) but have not completed the required 278 hours prior to your first renewal?
You answered "Yes" to this question. You cannot renew your license until you have completed a total of 270 qualifying real estate course hours, 4 hours of TREC's Legal Update I, and 4 hours of TREC's Legal Update II. Please submit the qualifying course certificates to prior to submitting the renewal.
Is the Designated Broker for your Business Entity in good standing with the Commission?
You answered "Yes" to at least one of the questions regarding your designated broker. The designated broker is not in good standing with the Commission and is not eligible to serve. You must select another broker who is in good standing with the Commission.
Business Entity Registration
You answered “No” to your Business Entity being an LLCs or S-Corps or at least 51% is not owned by the license holder on whose behalf the entity receives compensation.