The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee met on October 11 via videoconference. There was not much on the agenda as the committee has covered a lot of ground the last couple of years. There was a discussion about the new Property Inspection Report Form (REI 7-6) that will be required to be used as of February 1, 2022. There is a new section in that report form for Gas Distribution System and Gas Appliances. There was a concern that there might be confusion on where to put deficiencies in gas appliances, such as the water heater, HVAC, etc., since those are specified in other locations in the report. This added section was intended to be used for gas appliances that are not explicitly addressed in the standards, such as outdoor cooking equipment. With that in mind, so long as the deficiency in any appliance is listed in the report, there won’t be a compliance issue related to TREC requirements. If an inspector puts the deficiency in both sections, that will also be acceptable. The main concern is that the consumer is notified that the deficiency exists and should find it easily in one section or the other.
Inspectors submitting inspection logs to satisfy the Commission’s experience requirements to sponsor other inspectors will likely have a new form to use, which should be easier for the inspector to fill out. Staff is addressing feedback that the previous form was cumbersome and working on correcting the issue.
There was a discussion on whether committee members could be exempted from taking the 8-hour Legal/SOP course because the committee members have been so involved with the actual development of the course. The committee discussed this idea and determined it is in the best interest of both inspectors and members of the public that no such exemption be recommended. Not only does it ensure that the information is getting to all license holders, but it also allows for committee members to know how the course is being taught and note areas for improvement in the course.
The next meeting of the committee will be held on January 18 at 10 am. At that meeting, we will welcome two new public members. We will also elect new officers for 2022. This meeting will be my last meeting as chair of the committee. I am very proud of what we have accomplished in just the last few years that I have been chair. The members of this committee are truly dedicated public servants that generously donate their time and energy to making this industry better for all involved. It has been a pleasure to work with TREC staff, who tirelessly work in the background to make these meetings happen. I will still be on the committee for another three years, but I feel that three years of being chair is enough for one person. It is always good to mix things up as different perspectives can bring forward different ideas. There are many qualified and dedicated individuals on the committee, and I am confident they will continue to keep our industry charging forward in the right direction.