During the May Commission meeting, rules relating to the Inspector Standards of Practice (SOP) were proposed. These proposed revisions are the product of many meetings of the Inspector SOP subcommittee and the work of the entire Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee. The Commission also adopted a rule which helps streamline the process for petitioning the Commission for the adoption of rules. See the full agenda and materials on the Commission Meetings and Minutes page.
Proposed rules
Changes to the following rules were proposed:
The proposed rules modify the Inspector Standards of Practice or "SOPs." They are reflective of the inspector committee's feedback and recommendations.
- §535.223
- §535.227
- §535.228
- §535.229
- §535.230
- §535.231
- §535.232
- §535.233
Written public comments on proposed rules are accepted for 30 days after publication in the Texas Register. Use the Commission's new online public comment tool to submit comments. Comments can also be sent via email to general.counsel@trec.texas.gov or can be mailed to General Counsel, Texas Real Estate Commission, P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711-2188.
Adopted rules
The following rule changes were adopted:
22 TAC §533.50 Petition for Adoption of Rules which implements a statutory requirement that state agencies must prescribe by rule the form for a petition for adoption of rules and the procedure for its submission, consideration, and disposition.