Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, TREC, based on approval by Governor Greg Abbott, is waiving all renewal and application deadlines until July 31, 2020.
How does this extension affect you?
Renewals – all license types
Anyone with a license expiration date of March 31, 2020, April 30, 2020, May 31, 2020 or June 30, 2020 is granted an extension through July 31, 2020. License holders are encouraged to do their very best to submit all required documentation and complete coursework to the extent possible and as soon as practicable as this will assist the agency in the timely review and processing of renewals. If you have already completed your renewal requirements, you can renew active at any time prior to July 31, 2020. The quickest and most efficient way to renew your license is by using the agency’s online services portal.
What if I still need Continuing Education (CE) prior to renewal?
If you still need CE hours and are concerned about finding the CE courses required to renew your license due to the lack of classroom course offerings or social distancing concerns, many education providers are offering their CE courses through distance education methods. If you were previously enrolled in in-person classroom courses that have since been canceled because of COVID-19, please contact your education provider to determine what other options are available to you. You can also search for available CE courses on the agency’s website at the links below.
Real Estate & Broker CE Courses
Can I renew my license on inactive status?
You may renew your license on inactive status prior to July 31, 2020. Doing so allows you to renew without completing CE requirements.
Renewals – sales agents and individual brokers only
The information above also applies to sales agents and individual brokers renewing their licenses who are subject to the deadline extension: you may complete your renewal requirements prior to your expiration date and renew timely, or you can renew inactively. However, sales agents and individual brokers who have not completed their CE requirements by their expiration date have the option to renew on active status and defer their education for an additional 60 days.
If you renew active prior to July 1, 2020, and the TREC’s records do not reflect completion of your CE requirements, you will be charged for the 60-day deferral, however, this will be immediately rebated because of the COVID-19 extensions currently in effect. Because the COVID -19 extension will conclude on July 31, 2020, if you renew on or after July 1, 2020, and TREC records do not reflect completion of CE requirements, you will be charged the $200 CE Deferral Fee, pursuant to our normal process. This will allow you to receive an additional 60 days from August 1, 2020, to complete your CE requirements and remain active.
To avoid paying the CE deferral fee, CE requirements must be posted to your license record prior to submitting your renewal. You can check the status of your CE on your Review the Renewal Education Information page on the TREC website. Simply enter your name or license number in the License Holder Search. Click on “Renewal Education Information” for details regarding how many hours are required and how many have been credited towards your renewal.
PLEASE NOTE: because education providers have up to 10 days to submit roster information to the agency, there may be a delay in reporting from when you complete your education.
How does the July 31, 2020 extension affect my 60 day CE deferral deadline?
- If you were subject to the CE deferral period prior to the initial March 11, 2020, COVID-19 related extension, your 60-day deferral period ends on July 31, 2020.
- If you were subject to the CE deferral after the initial March 11, 2020, COVID-19 related extension, and before the extension ends on July 31, 2020, your 60-day deferral period ends on September 30, 2020.
Initial License Applicants – all license types
If your application was set to expire between March 11, 2020, and July 31, 2020, you have until July 31, 2020, to complete all license application requirements before your application expires. Remember, you can check the status of your application using the application status tracker on the TREC website.
What if I still need to complete the required qualifying education courses and my classroom courses were canceled because of COVID-19?
If you were previously enrolled in in-person classroom courses that have since been canceled because of COVID-19, please contact your education provider to determine what other options are available to you. You can search for available qualifying courses under the education tab on the agency’s website.
What about exam availability?
TREC partners with Pearson VUE to offer licensing examinations. Due to social distancing requirements, exam sites are operating at a much lower capacity than before, and there will likely continue to be delays in scheduling examinations as any backlog is addressed. If your exam eligibility expires before July 31, 2020, you are granted an extension through July 31, 2020, to take and pass your exam. To register for an exam, candidates should refer to the Pearson VUE registration tool.
What if I have unique circumstances?
If you have unique circumstances that will further delay your ability to complete your qualifying education or take an exam by the July 31, 2020 expiration date, please contact information@trec.texas.gov to request a case-by-case extension.
These are unprecedented times. The agency is here to help. The agency has published information regarding the agency’s response to COVID – 19 and some helpful FAQs for TREC on how this may affect your license. Please be sure to check the websites for the latest news on this evolving matter. Additionally, the agency remains available through email and phone calls to support all license holders.