AUSTIN, TX - The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is pleased to welcome Vanessa Burgess as General Counsel of the Texas Real Estate Commission effective February 3, 2020.
Prior to joining the team at TREC, Burgess served as the Assistant General Counsel for the Railroad Commission of Texas. Ms. Burgess previously worked in the Office of General Counsel for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department and began her career with the State of Texas at the Office of the Attorney General. Ms. Burgess replaces Chelsea Buchholtz who served for a short time as TREC's General Counsel before becoming Executive Director of the Commission.
Secondly, current Standards & Enforcement Services (SES) director, Mark Moore, is switching roles to become Deputy General Counsel effective February 17. Mr. Moore directed the SES division from November 1, 2012, to February 2020, and provides significant knowledge about real estate, in addition to TREC's laws and rules.
TREC works to protect the public through the agency’s licensing, education, and complaint investigation services, as well as regulation and enforcement of state laws and requirements that govern each of these areas of service. All contact information for the Commission, committees, and senior staff is available on the TREC website at www.trec.texas.gov.