It’s been a busy fall for TREC and the Inspector Committee. We continue to implement the Sunset recommendations and statutory changes, most of which will be considered for adoption at the November 19th Commission meeting, including the amendments to the inspector qualifying education rules. If adopted by the Commission at the November meeting, these new requirements will take effect on May 1, 2020. These amendments include language to accommodate a timeframe allowing a transition from the current inspector education requirements to the new requirements. That transition period is designed to allow an applicant in the middle of training under the current requirements to finish any outstanding courses before the new education requirements are mandatory.
The Commission will also consider proposed amendments to the Consumer Protection Notice recommended by the Inspector Committee at its October meeting to provide additional notice language regarding an inspector’s statutory requirement to maintain liability insurance.
An Attorney General’s opinion was recently requested by a legislator regarding an inspector’s ability to perform a sewer line inspection by a camera. The agency was asked to submit a legal brief on this matter and did so on October 18. We expect the opinion to be issued by March of next year and will update you when we know more.
In September, I attended the TPREIA Conference in College Station for the second year in a row. I look forward to each opportunity to spend time with our stakeholders. Open communication is vital for us to know how best to provide better service to our license holders and their clients. Being together in person is an ideal avenue for such dialogue. I will be attending the Central Texas TPREIA chapter meeting later this month to meet with inspectors and discuss their issues and concerns.
The Chair mentioned in his article last month that Committee member Dianna Rose resigned from the Committee. We are currently seeking inspectors who are interested in serving out the remainder of her term, which is set to expire in January of 2021. If you are interested in being appointed to this position, please email Chelsea Buchholtz, TREC General Counsel at general.counsel@trec.texas.gov with a cover letter and resume. The deadline for submission is December 1, 2019. At the November 19 Commission meeting, the Chair will appoint a screening committee to review the candidates.
The next meeting of the Inspector Committee will be on Friday, January 17 at 10 am in Austin. The Committee will elect its officers for the upcoming year at this meeting. Meeting dates and times, agendas and related materials are posted on the TREC website and the full committee meeting is always videotaped and archived on the website for your review. As always, thank you for your continued involvement.