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Our license holders are governed by the The Real Estate License Act, the Inspector Act, and the Timeshare Act. These Acts establish the makeup of the Commission and its advisory committees and outline procedures by which a person can become real estate license holders in Texas. The Acts also describe TREC’s jurisdiction over license holders and registrants.

TREC has the authority to adopt administrative rules to provide specificity to provisions of the Acts. TREC may also adopt rules to establish a policy regarding certain practices. Both the Acts and TREC rules are a great resource for helping consumers know what to expect from a real estate service provider.

TREC Rules

The tables below show all of our recently proposed and adopted rules. Written comments on proposed rules are accepted for 30 days after publication in the Texas Register. After that period, comments can be made in person at the next Commission meeting. Please send written comments to TREC's For the complete version of our current rules go to:

Recently Adopted Rules

Rule Number
Rule Name
Employee Sick and Family Leave Pools
Proposed Date
Adopted Date
Effective Date:

New §534.8 addresses the operation and procedures of both the employee sick and family leave pool required by sections 661.002 and 661.022, Texas Government Code.

La nueva §534.8 aborda la operación y los procedimientos del fondo de licencia por enfermedad y familiar de los empleados requerido por las secciones 661.002 y 661.022 del Código de Gobierno de Texas.

Schedule of Administrative Penalties
Proposed Date
Adopted Date
Effective Date:

The amendment to §535.191: (i) clarifies that a person may only pay an administrative penalty in an authorized manner; and (ii) adds that if an online payment is authorized, such a payment may be subject to fees set by the Department of Information Resources that are in addition to the administrative penalty assessed by the Commission. 

La enmienda a §535.191: (i) aclara que una persona solo puede pagar una multa administrativa de manera autorizada; y (ii) agrega que si se autoriza un pago en línea, dicho pago puede estar sujeto a tarifas establecidas por el Departamento de Recursos de Información que se suman a la multa administrativa impuesta por la Comisión. 

Schedule of Administrative Penalties
Proposed Date
Adopted Date
Effective Date:

The amendment to §535.219: (i) clarifies that a person may only pay an administrative penalty in an authorized manner; and (ii) adds that if an online payment is authorized, such a payment may be subject to fees set by the Department of Information Resources that are in addition to the administrative penalty assessed by the Commission. 

La enmienda a §535.219: (i) aclara que una persona solo puede pagar una multa administrativa de manera autorizada; y (ii) agrega que si se autoriza un pago en línea, dicho pago puede estar sujeto a tarifas establecidas por el Departamento de Recursos de Información que se suman a la multa administrativa impuesta por la Comisión. 

Information About Brokerage Services
Proposed Date
Adopted Date
Effective Date:

The amendments to §531.20 and the form adopted by reference (the Information About Brokerage Services (IABS) notice) are made as a result of the recent industry changes surrounding broker compensation to clarify to the consumer that any brokerage fees are not set by law and are negotiable.

Las enmiendas a §531.20 y el formulario adoptado por referencia (el aviso de Información sobre Servicios de Corretaje (IABS)) se realizan como resultado de los cambios recientes en la industria en torno a la compensación de los corredores para aclarar al consumidor que los honorarios de corretaje no están establecidos por ley y son negociables.

Standard Contract Form TREC No. 38-7, Notice of Buyer's Termination of Contract
Proposed Date
Adopted Date
Effective Date:

The revisions to Paragraph 2 of the Notice of Buyer’s Termination of Contract ensures that the buyer has delivered the lender’s written statement to the seller in accordance with the recent changes to Paragraph 2A, Buyer Approval, of the Third Party Financing Addendum. 

Las revisiones al Párrafo 2 del Aviso de Terminación del Contrato del Comprador aseguran que el comprador ha entregado la declaración escrita del prestamista al vendedor de acuerdo con los cambios recientes en el Párrafo 2A, Aprobación del Comprador, del Anexo de Financiamiento de Terceros. 
