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  • TREC Adopts Revised Forms, Proposes Rule Changes to Clarify the Unauthorized Practice of Law

    The Texas Real Estate Commission met November 7 and received updates from advisory committees and staff, adopted revised forms, and proposed revisions to rules related to the inspection form and the unauthorized practice of law. Here are a few key takeaways from the meeting.

    Appointments Made to ESAC, TREIC

    The Commission appointed the following individuals to serve on the Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC):

  • TREC Form Changes Effective February 1, 2023

    The Texas Real Estate Commission on November 7 adopted form revisions recommended by the Texas Real Estate Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC).

  • Watch the November TREC Meeting

    The Texas Real Estate Commission meeting is Monday, November 7, at 10 a.m. CT in Austin. Download the meeting materials and watch the meeting livestream. You can also follow @TRECommission on Twitter for live updates. 

  • TREIC Reviews New Relationship Termination Form, Recommends a Rule Change for Proposal

    The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee (TREIC) met October 18 and reviewed a new tool to aid in filling out the Property Inspection Report Form, a new form that will inform TREC when a real estate inspector relationship is terminated, and items for the 88th Texas Legislature.

  • Broker-Lawyer Committee Recommends Commission Adopt Revised Forms

    The Texas Real Estate Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) met October 14 to discuss public comments on proposed form changes from the August TREC Meeting. After reviewing 123 public comments, the committee made some non-substantive changes and recommended the forms be adopted at the November 7 TREC Meeting.

  • BRWG Discusses Who Should Take Broker Responsibility Course and When

    The Broker Responsibility Working Group (BRWG) met October 12 and discussed requirements for obtaining and renewing a broker’s license, as well as property management issues.

  • Did You Comment on Proposed TREC Form Changes? Don’t Miss This Meeting

    In August, the Texas Real Estate Commission proposed changes to several TREC forms based on recommendations by the Texas Real Estate Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC). TREC received 123 public comments about the changes, which BLC will review and consider during its upcoming meeting on Friday, October 14.

  • ESAC Recommends Real Estate Brokerage Course as Mandatory SAE, Discusses Course Outline for Property Management

    The Texas Real Estate Commission Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) met October 3 and discussed changes to the qualifying course outline for Property Management and making the 30-hour Real Estate Brokerage course a mandatory course as part of required SAE.

  • New Online Services Available for ERW Agents and Brokers

    A professionally dressed woman wearing glasses with curly brown hair is typing on her computer.

    The Texas Real Estate Commission has launched new enhancements to the online services portal to make it easier for easement or right-of-way agents and brokers to submit certain applications.

  • TREC Now Accepting ERW Courses

    The 87th Texas Legislature enacted HB 2730 effective January 1, 2023, requiring easement or right-of-way agents to complete 16 hours of TREC-approved qualifying education prior to registration, and 16 hours of TREC-approved continuing education (CE) for each two-year registration term.





