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  • Broker Responsibility Group Proposes New Rule on Response Times, Adding Oversight to Sales Agent’s First-Time Brokerage Activity

    The Broker Responsibility Working Group (BRWG) met July 13 and acted on two proposals related to broker oversight and sales agents’ response times.

    Proposed Rule

    BRWG proposed a new rule, 535.157, that requires a broker or sales agent to respond to their principal, a broker or sales agent representing another party to a real estate transaction, or an unrepresented party to a real estate transaction within two calendar days.

  • Education Standards Advisory Committee Discusses Qualifying Course Outlines for Property Management, Real Estate Brokerage

    The Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) met July 7 and discussed pre-licensing course credit and the qualifying course outline for real estate brokerage and property management.

  • Education Standards Advisory Committee Accepting Applications for Members

    The Texas Real Estate Commission's Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) is accepting applications to fill two education member positions by real estate instructors or owners of real estate schools, accredited by the Commission, that provide qualifying or continuing education. It is also accepting applications to fill four real estate license holder positions.

  • A Simpler Way to Find a License Holder’s Disciplinary Actions

    It is now easier to find whether a license holder has a disciplinary history with the Texas Real Estate Commission. The newly launched Disciplinary Actions button at the top of each license holder’s page will take you to their specific Disciplinary Actions page if a disciplinary history exists.

  • What You May Not Know About TREC

    Scott KesnerIn recent months, I’ve had the privilege of presenting alongside Texas Real Estate Commission Executive Director Chelsea Buchholtz to license holders around Texas, many who are REALTORS®.

  • Notice: Phone Outage August 10

    Multiple state agencies, including Texas Real Estate Commission and Texas Appraiser Licensing & Certification Board, are experiencing technical difficulties with the services we use to handle phone calls. The phone system is currently down as the Texas Department of Information Resources troubleshoots the issue.

  • Why TREC Maintains an HOA Management Certificate Database

    The 87th Texas Legislature passed a bill requiring the Texas Real Estate Commission to collect management certificates and amended management certificates from property owners’ associations—also known as homeowners associations (HOAs)—and make the certificates publicly available online.

  • TREC’s Role in Texas Real Estate

    "How do we raise the bar of professionalism?"

    "We need more broker responsibility."

    "I work with people on the other side of a contract who don’t know what they are doing. They don’t even know the name of their broker!" 

  • Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee Discusses Single-Item Inspections, Two-Day Report Delivery Clarification, and Expired Licenses

    The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee (TREIC) met April 18 and talked about hot topic issues, including how inspectors must handle single-item inspections, clarifications to 535.222, Inspection Reports, and expired licenses. Read on for more takeaways.

  • Don’t Want to Retake the Licensing Exam? Make Sure You Renew Before This Deadline

    It’s been more than two years since the pandemic changed the real estate landscape and how you do business, and your license renewal may not be on your mind. But now is the time to ensure your license hasn’t been expired for more than two years, which requires you to take extra steps to renew.





