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BLC Discusses Pending NAR Settlement and Whether it Affects TREC Forms

The Texas Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) met April 12 and discussed the National Association of Realtors proposed settlement agreement for a lawsuit it is involved with related to commissions that may affect members of NAR, Texas Realtors, and local boards of Realtors—all voluntary membership organizations. While many TREC license holders are members, not all of them are, nor are they required to be.

Broker-Lawyer Committee to Discuss Public Comments on Compensation, TREC Form Considerations

If you've been wondering if the recent NAR settlement announcement relates to TREC, livestream the next Texas Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) meeting on Friday, April 12 at 9 a.m. CT. BLC members will review public comments it has received and discuss how NAR’s situation may affect TREC forms.

TREC is not involved in the litigation. TREC has narrow regulatory authority over license holder compensation—specifically, that a broker is the one who gets paid. However, some contract form language may be impacted.

ESAC Recap: Principles I & II Updates, Law of Agency Course Review

The Texas Real Estate Commission’s Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) met virtually on April 1. Discussion opened with the Principles of Real Estate I and II courses—ESAC is moving forward with a recommendation to revise their course approval forms.

The Committee then reviewed changes to the Law of Agency course approval form which were made based on recommendations from ESAC’s last meeting.

Is Your CE Credit More Than Two Years Old? Read This Before You Go Inactive

Maybe you’re taking a break from the business, planning to switch brokerages, or intended to temporarily terminate your sponsorship relationship. No matter the reason, awareness of your continuing education (CE) completion date will save you from surprises when you’re ready to go active again.

Broker-Lawyer Committee Highlight: Clearing Up Confusion Over Proposed MUD Notice

The Texas Real Estate Commission’s Broker-Lawyer Committee (BLC) had its first meeting of the year on January 12. The committee discussed potential form changes, reviewed public comments, and took a deep dive into recent case law, but one notice stole a chunk of the conversation. Here are some of the highlights.

What You’ll Need to Register Your Business Entity With TREC

Starting in January 2024, license holders will have the option to register certain LLCs and S-Corps with the Texas Real Estate Commission to accept compensation. The registered entity cannot perform any other brokerage activity and must be 51% owned by the license holder on whose behalf the entity receives compensation. Read more details about the new business entity registration.