Real Estate Sales Agent
Renewal of Individual Real Estate License-Timely or Expired Less Than Six Months
Relationship Management Tool User Guide
Welcome to the TREC Relationship Management Tool User Guide. This tool allows both sales agents and brokers to easily manage their relationships, online, without delay. This User Guide provides an in-depth understanding of how the tool works, as well as easy to understand, step by step instructions.
If you are a current license agent and have not already registered, you must first register with “My License Services”. It is recommended that you register with your personal email address.
Qualifying Real Estate Course List
These courses are defined in the Real Estate Licensing Act, and the TREC Rules. Qualifying course credit will not be awarded for the same qualifying course taken more than once within 2 years of each other.
Fee Schedule
Sales Agent: | Fee | Late Fee < 90 days | Late Fee > 90 days | Texas Online Fee | Texas A&M Research Center | Real Estate Recovery Fee | Total Fee |
Renew Your Sales Agent License
As a Real Estate Sales Agent, you must renew your license every two years. A renewal notice will be sent out about 90 days before your expiration date. Until you receive this notice of renewal, you cannot renew your license. As part of the renewal process, you must complete certain continuing education courses to help you deliver competent and quality real estate services. After completing your course work, you are welcome to submit a course and instructor evaluation.
Become a Real Estate Sales Agent
A sales agent is a person who is licensed by the Real Estate Commission to act as an agent on behalf of a real estate broker and their clients. A sales agent must be sponsored by a licensed Broker in order to perform any act of real estate services.
Using an App to Hire a Temporary "Showing" Agent? Beware!
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2016-08-23 15:09If you don’t know what you are doing, you could be violating TREC’s rules.