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From the Chair - December 2017

The Commission met on November 13th for its regular quarterly meeting and it was one of the most productive – and lengthy – that we have had for many years.  Despite its length, we recognized recent accomplishments and achieved some major milestones that we have been working on for over two years.  We began by ratifying a very generous set of accommodations implemented in response to the unprecedented impact of Hurricane Harvey.  Up to six full months of deadline extensions are available to those who really need them in the 60 counties declared as a Disaster Area by Governor Abbo


TREC has been made aware of a scam requesting money from our license holders. The request is sent by text by someone posing as the Texas Real Estate Commission and asks that a specified amount be paid through Square Cash and provides a link to pay the amount (see example texts below).

Fingerprint Requirements

Any person applying for or renewing a license with TREC must provide fingerprints for a criminal history check. The fingerprint process is easy and can be done in a few short steps.

How to Get Your Fingerprints Taken:

IdentoGO by IDEMIA collects and submits fingerprints to the FBI via the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), but has no role in the actual research and processing of your criminal background check or the delivery of its results.