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From the Chair - Inspector Committee - July 2021

The Inspector Advisory Committee (IAC) met on July 12th in Austin.  This was the first meeting that the IAC has had in person in some time, and it was good to be face to face again.  There were a few items on the agenda this go around that entailed some lengthy discussion.  The IAC discussed comments received on the proposed rule to require an inspector to obtain permission in writing from a client prior to obtaining a referral fee, or other valuable consideration, for referring services that are not settlement services.

License Holders: Inspector Non-Elective Course Changes

On September 1, 2021 inspectors are required to complete a new 8 Hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and Standards of Practice Review course as part of the 32 hours of inspector continuing education (CE) required to renew or activate a license.  

This course will replace the two inspector non-elective CE courses, 4-hour Inspector Legal & Ethics, and 4-hour Standards of Practice Review course that will expire on August 31, 2021. 

Inspector Non-Elective Course Changes

The current inspector non-elective CE courses, 4-hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and 4-hour Standards of Practice Review course expire on August 31, 2021.  Please be sure all students enrolled in these courses are notified to complete these two courses before August 31, 2021.

The new 8 Hour Inspector Legal & Ethics and Standards of Practice Review course will replace the two inspector non-elective courses on September 1, 2021. What does this mean for education providers? 

From the Executive Director - May 2021 - Inspectors

Happy May to each of you. I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating the mothers in your life last weekend. Later this month, we celebrate Memorial Day. We honor those who have given their lives for our country.  As we gather with friends and family to kick off summer, I encourage each of you to take a moment to solemnly consider those who did not return from the battlefield and acknowledge the cost of our freedom. 

From the Chair - Inspector Committee - April 2021

The Inspector Advisory Committee met virtually on April 12.  During the meeting, Deputy Executive Director, Tony Slagle provided a legislative update. He informed us that there are two inspector-related bills that are up for consideration by the state legislature.  The first, HB 2376 relates to  eliminating the Inspector Recovery Fund.  With the requirement for inspectors to carry insu

Real Estate and Professional Inspector Application Changes Effective March 1 

The new inspector qualifying education and experience requirements for real estate and professional inspector licenses begin March 1, 2021. Applicants who have registered for qualifying courses prior to March 1, 2021, under the previous education requirements, will have until June 30, 2021, to complete all coursework and submit certificates with a completed application under those requirements. 

Temporary Allowance for New Texas Practicum Courses

New inspector pre-licensing education and experience requirements begin March 1, 2021.  The new experience requirement includes a 40 hour Texas Practicum, which must consist of a minimum of five complete and in-person inspections.  In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, TREC will grant a temporary allowance for on-site inspections to take place virtually, as long as the Practicum instructor conducts inspections live and on-site, and the instructor and students are able to interact with each other in real-time through both audio and video. 

From the Chair - Inspector Committee - January 2021

The Inspector Advisory Committee met virtually on January 15th.  This was a lengthy meeting, as there was a lot to cover on this go around.  First off, I would like to welcome the two newest members of the IAC.  Bruce Carpenter is an inspector member from Pittsburg, and Brian Carroll is a public member from Temple.  Both of them dove right into the meeting providing feedback and giving input, so it was clear that they came prepared to be involved with the IAC.