The TREC Inspector Committee (TREIC) met July 18 and discussed clarifications to 535.222, Inspection Reports, and 535.223, Standard Inspection Report Form.
Recommended Rule Changes
535.222, Inspection Reports
TREIC recommended a change to 525.222(a)(2) to clarify the two-day inspection report delivery deadline. The change clarifies that in instances where payments are provided in full prior to the inspection, the inspector is required deliver the report to the client within two days of completion of the inspection.
Quadrennial Rule Review, Chapter 535
Texas law requires state agencies, including the Commission, to undergo a comprehensive rule review every four years. During this process, the Commission reviews all currently enacted rules to determine if they should be continued, amended, or repealed.
As part of quadrennial rule review, non-substantive changes will be proposed to 535, including changing terms like “administrator” to “executive director,” removing duplicative language, and repealing outdated or expired language.
Where to Find Meeting Materials
Review the meeting materials and watch the video recording on the meeting page.
Upcoming Meeting
The next meeting of TREIC is October 18 at 10 a.m. in Austin, or you can stream it live virtually. The committee will consider a new termination of sponsorship form sponsoring inspectors can use to remove an apprentice, and rule 535.223, Standard Inspection Report Form, and checking multiple boxes, as well as whether certain exceptions should be removed from the rule. Finally, the committee will review prospective legislative initiatives related to inspectors.
In accordance with normal Commission practice, any meeting materials will be available on the TREC website before the meeting. To participate by providing public comment during the meeting, contact general.counsel@trec.texas.gov by 5 p.m. CT on October 18 along with the agenda item number you wish to speak on. If you are unable to attend the meeting live, you can email your public comments instead.