The Texas Real Estate Inspector Committee (TREIC) met on October 14 at TREC headquarters in Austin.
The Education Standards Advisory Committee (ESAC) made some proposals at its last meeting, and one affects inspectors. ESAC recommends removing proctoring requirements from TREC rules out of concerns that the requirements were burdensome and unnecessary, including in the context of course examinations because the licensing examination itself is proctored. The committee removed new language in the draft rule that would have required a monitor for every 20 students participating in a qualifying or non-elective continuing education classroom delivery course delivered through the use of technology. After discussion, TREIC forwarded the proposal to apply to inspector courses as well. This proposal comes before the commissioners at the November TREC Meeting.
The education subcommittee is also still looking at having an education requirement for obtaining an apprentice license as well. Since there is no current course that would fulfill that requirement, it will take some time to get those details worked out.
The SOP subcommittee is continuing its work on the most current review of the Standards of Practice. They are taking the standards section by section, so this is a lengthy process. I would encourage all stakeholders to get involved in the process early and often to ensure that your voice is heard. All Inspector committee and subcommittee meetings are open, and the agendas are posted on TREC’s website.
There have been some recent disciplinary actions taken against inspectors for improperly modifying the Property Inspection Report Form (REI 7-6). Much of the 7-6 must be reproduced in a very specific format. There are some modifications that can be made to the form, but those are limited. These can be found in TREC Rule 535.223. Inspectors are required to follow the guidelines set forth within this section to ensure that each inspection report is produced properly for each inspection.
The next meeting of the inspector committee will be on January 27 at 10 a.m. CT at the TREC headquarters in Austin.