Happy New Year! It’s January and 2018 promises to be filled with important activity. Even numbered years are always a time when the agency must update our 5-Year Strategic Plan and so that means we will have some significant opportunities for additional targeted input from our license holders and the public on general topics and specific areas of current interest. Look for a list of topics and a schedule of Listening Tour events to be published in February. 2018 is also the year for our quadrennial rule review so we will be looking for opportunities to cut additional “red tape” from our regulations during this period. And lastly, the agency will be undergoing review by the Sunset Commission in preparation for the 2019 legislative session. This happens only once every 12 years so it involves an in-depth look at the agency’s fundamental policy justifications and implementation processes. Another great opportunity for our stakeholders to help shape the future direction of the agency. We look forward to an exciting evolutionary journey as changing market forces drive us to ensure Texas consumers remain well served.
Recent and impending examples of the evolution in consumer protections include the Consumer Protection and Information About Brokerage Services Notices that provide additional disclosures and more relevant information that is easier to understand, as well as the update and clarification of advertising requirements for our license holders. These areas have been the focus of extensive discussions and collaboration between the agency and our license holders to ensure a balanced approach and result. We will spend significant time in 2018 educating both the public and our license holders about these topics so that the public policies they represent are clearly implemented. We invite your continued involvement and support and we carry out our mission more effectively.