Classroom courses for real estate license holders and inspectors require the instructor and the student to interact face-to-face and in real time, either in the same physical location, or though technology. Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many courses that historically were offered in a classroom, are now being offered virtually. In fact, the number of classroom courses taught virtually has skyrocketed. As the frequency has increased, a concern regarding appropriate conduct in virtual courses has been raised.
As a reminder, unacceptable conduct in the physical classroom is also unacceptable in the virtual classroom. There is an expectation of engagement between the student and the instructor, and student to student. Students who are distracted from the course presentation or whose behavior is distracting to other students in the course, can be removed from the course and credit withheld. This can include excessive talking, leaving the room, or paying attention to a cell phone rather than the instructor.
Another example of unacceptable behavior is driving while streaming a virtual course. To be clear, students are not allowed to drive and take CE at the same time. Other than being distracted, this is a serious safety issue. Education providers have the authority to establish and enforce policies and procedures to ensure professionalism and respect in the classroom, whether it be in person or virtual.