Good news! TREC and TALCB have implemented a new tool to improve customer service. A new call tree system has been added to our main customer services lines. This new system allows callers to select from a list of options that will direct them to the best available person to address their issue to get the answers or help they need.
The new system allows agency staff to manage twice the amount of calls and reduce hold times by more than half.
In addition, the agency has adjusted it’s staffing to focus on high volume call times, putting more people on the phones when you need it. Our call center is now open from 7 am to 6 pm, with additional staff now available in the lunchtime hours of 11 am to 2 pm. Since the implementation of these extended hours, we have been able to respond to emails we receive in less than 24 hours, ensuring your questions get answered in timely.
We have also created an operations-focused Deputy Director position who will oversee the agency’s frontline consumer service and customer support function. Tony Slagle, who currently oversees the government affairs operations of the agency will be taking on that role as of August 1, 2018. He will work directly with both the call center, education, and licensing staff to help identify and implement improvements to improve our license holder’s and the public’s ’ experience with the agency on all levels.
As we continue to look for ways to increase the excellent customer service, you can expect to see more improvements in the future, like an automatic call back, improved online services, better email communications throughout your renewal an application process, to name a few.
There is nothing more important to us at this time than to honor our commitment to the public and to our license holders to ensure our renewed focus on excellent customer service and quality improvements. Please take time to fill out our customer service survey, sign up for our newsletter, and help us improve!