The Inspector Committee has had a busy couple of months since it last met in February. On March 26th, the Inspector Consumer Issues Working Group met to review issues regarding inspector financial responsibility and insurance requirements and to also make recommendations for the Committee to consider. In addition to the Inspector Committee members, the Working Group included Paul Roebuck representing TPREIA and Mike Hammel representing TAREI. As many of you are aware, the Committee has discussed these issues over the last several months and it has become clear that clarification is needed. Because the Agency is undergoing its Sunset Review this year, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to provide clarity and propose a possible legislative fix. The Working Group did come up with several recommendations that were discussed at the April 9th meeting of the Inspector Committee. The Committee did not take any action on those items at that time and instead wanted to give inspectors and the public additional time to weigh in on those recommendations.
Speaking of the Sunset, the review of TREC has begun and is scheduled to last for a couple of months. This is a perfect opportunity for inspectors to provide feedback regarding the agency and I encourage all of you to be part of the process.
As was mentioned in my last article, the Committee has recommended a definition for "client", which will be brought forward at the May Commission meeting for proposal and publication in the Texas Register for comment. Please be sure to review this recommendation and let the Committee and Commission know your opinion.
Finally, the inspector rules will be open for Rule Review in August. This gives you an opportunity to weigh in on what rules should be continued, amended, or repealed. Your recommendations are always welcome.
I want to thank all of you for your continued involvement.