Want your real estate continuing education (CE) submission process to go more smoothly? Use this checklist each time you submit an application.
Double Check the Course Fee(s)
Remember, CE course fees must be calculated based on the following information. All courses must include the base fee and content review fee. In addition to the base and content review fees, fees for each delivery method in which the course will be offered are required.
All courses include base and content review fees:
- Base Application Fee - $50.00
- Content Review Fee - $5.00 per credit hour
Additionally, fees for each delivery method in which the course will be offered are required. For courses offered in a single delivery method:
- Classroom (Synchronous) Review Fee - $5.00 per credit hour
- Distance Education (Asynchronous) Review Fee - $10.00 per credit hour
For courses offered in both synchronous and asynchronous delivery:
- Classroom (Synchronous) Review Fee - $5.00 per credit hour
- Distance Education (Asynchronous) Review Fee - $10.00 per credit hour
Make Your Content Clear
When describing your course, include learning objectives that clearly reflect relevancy to the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of a sales agent or broker.
If you are submitting a contracts course, reference the specific contract(s) that will be covered in the course.
Submit a Timed Course Outline
Nothing spells out the detail of course content like a timed course outline. Here is a sample of a timed course outline.
Sign the Application
Before submitting the application, make sure it has been signed by a person authorized to do so.
For more information review Apply to Offer Real Estate CE Courses.