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Meeting Details

10/18/2022 at 10:00 am
Stephen F. Austin Building, Room 400a
1700 North Congress
Austin, TX 78701

Meeting Materials

Meeting Video

TREC Inspector Committee

The meeting agenda and any meeting materials can be found under 'Meeting Materials' on the right side of this page. These minutes set out the agenda item, the subject matter discussed, and any action taken on each item. To hear the full discussion on any agenda item, click on the link, and you will be taken directly to that section of the meeting video on the right side of the screen.

Note: While the written portion of the minutes below are published in agenda order, the items may have been presented in a different order.

Agenda Item 1 Call to order
ACTION: Chair Emerick called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.
Members present: Shawn Emerick, Steven Rinehart, Bruce Carpenter, Brian Carroll, Mike Morgan, Scott Regan, Lee Warren
Members absent: Keisha Moulton, Dave Motley (joined at 10:20 a.m.)
Commission liasion present: R. Scott Kesner

Agenda Item 2 Discussion and possible action to excuse Committee member’s absence(s), if any
ACTION: Scott Regan, seconded by Mike Morgan, moved to excuse Keisha Moulton. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item 3 Housekeeping

Agenda Item 4 Remarks from the Chair

Agenda Item 5 Ratification of the minutes of the July 18, 2022, meeting
ACTION: Scott Regan, seconded by Lee Warren, moved to ratify the July 18, 2022, minutes.  The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item 6 General comments from visitors or written comments on non-agenda items
No comments were received.

Agenda Item 7 Reports from Subcommittees:
a. Education Subcommittee
b. Standards of Practice Subcommittee
Reports given by the following:
7.a. Lee Warren, Chair of the Subcommittee
7.b. Scott Regan, Chair of the Subcommittee

Agenda Item 8 Staff Reports:
a. Executive Division
b. TREC Enforcement Division
c. Education and Examinations Division
d. Licensing Division
Reports given by the following:
8.a. Chelsea Buchholtz, Executive Director, Vanessa Burgess, General Counsel, and Summer Mandell, Communications Director
Note: Dave Motley joined the meeting at 10:20 a.m.
8.b. Mike Molloy, Enforcement Director and Tony Renteria, Staff Attorney
8.c. Jennifer Wheeler, Education and Examinations Director
8.d. Denise Sample, Licensing Director

Agenda Item 9 Discussion and possible action regarding “walk and talk inspections”
ACTION: The committee decided by consensus to direct staff to move forward with messaging via the TREC website and social media and asked that the message be reviewed by TREIC members before sending to the public.

Agenda Item 10 Discussion and possible action regarding instruction sheet for inspection report
ACTION: Lee Warren, seconded by Scott Regan, moved to direct staff to move forward with the instruction sheet as presented. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item 11 Discussion and possible action regarding 22 TAC §535.223, Standard Inspection Report Form
ACTION: Steve Rinehart, seconded by Lee Warren move to forward the amendments, as presented, to the full Commission for possible proposal.  The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item 12 Discussion and possible action regarding termination of inspector sponsorship form  
ACTION: Lee Warren, seconded by Scott Regan, moved to approve the form as presented with the addition of adding a d/b/a removal section and to forward the modified form to the full Commission for possible adoption.  The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item 13 Discussion and possible action regarding legislative items
Mike Hammel
Shannon Gatewood

Lee Warren, seconded by Mike Morgan, moved to approve the bill language to require an 8-hour SOP education course for apprentice inspectors for the upcoming legislative session. The motion was adopted 5Y|3N.

Scott Regan, seconded by Brian Carroll, moved to pull the bill language to require an 8-hour SOP education course for apprentice inspectors from the upcoming legislative session to allow time for re-evaluation. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Lee Warren, seconded by Scott Regan, moved to approve the Real Estate Inspection Recovery Fund bill language for the upcoming legislative session.  The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Executive Director Buchholtz suggested that TREC could send targeted messaging regarding education through emails and articles.

The committee took a break at 12:03 p.m.
Chair Emerick reconvened the meeting at 12:08 p.m.

Agenda Item 14 Discussion and possible action regarding 22 TAC §535.216, Renewal of License
ACTION: Lee Warren, seconded by Scott Regan, moved to forward the amendments, as presented, to the full Commission for possible proposal.  The motion was adopted by unanimous vote.

Agenda Item 15 Discussion and possible action regarding payment for inspections at closing  
ACTION: Lee Warren, seconded by Scott Regan, moved to direct staff to draft rule language to prohibit inspection payments at closing.  The motion died 4Y|4N.

Agenda Item 16 Request for future meeting agenda items
ACTION: The committee requested the following items be added to the next agenda:
Education/apprentice hours update;
SOP committee update;
Rule comments on §535.216;
Rule comments on §535.223; and
Yearly training by General Counsel Burgess

Agenda Item 17 Discussion and possible action regarding future meeting dates:
Suggested date:
Tuesday, January 17, 2023, at 10:00 a.m
Alternative dates:
Wednesday, January 18, 2023, or Thursday, January 19, 2023;
ACTION: The next meetings are scheduled for January 17, 2023, and April 18, 2023.

Agenda Item 18 Adjourn
ACTION: The meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.