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Sales Agent, License #623612
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Real Estate LLC
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Real Estate Education History
Course Date Course Number Course Name Subject Provider Name Hours
11/19/2450569The NAR Code of EthicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
09/26/2342022How to Avoid Earnest Money DisputesContractsFidelity National Title Agency, Inc.1
08/18/2346133Emotional Intelligence In Real EstateRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD3
08/18/2345377Know Your Landlord and Tenant RightsRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD2
08/18/2344460Essential Topics: 3-Hour Contract ReviewContractsChampions School of Real Estate, LTD3
08/17/2342040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IIChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
08/17/2342238Technology UpdateRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD2
08/17/2342039Legal Update I (2022-2023)Legal Update IChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
05/16/2344642TREC and Texas Realtor Form ChangesContractsTexas REALTORS1
05/16/234162645 Combined Outs in the 1-4 Family Contract & Addenda, What?ContractsTexas REALTORS2
04/29/2241143Texas VA Home LoansRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
09/22/2140223Contract ReviewContractsJ.C. Johnson2
09/17/2137796Legal Update I (2020-2021)Legal Update ITexas REALTORS4
09/16/2137797Legal Update II (2020-2021)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
08/03/2139580Short Sales & Foreclosures: What Real Estate Professionals needRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
06/16/2139683The Buyer's Rep AgreeementRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
06/16/2138774Get the Listing, Make the SaleRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
03/24/2140703What YOU Need to Know: Newly Adopted TREC Contract ChangesContractsOld Republic National Title Insurance Company1
01/06/2138940Next Level CMA: Working through AdjustmentsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
03/13/2037579Building ProfessionalismRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
09/15/1937241Tax Implications Every Real Estate Agent Should KnowRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
09/15/1937234Defending Your Value PropositionRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
09/12/1937479Texas' New Hemp Laws 101RE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
09/12/1937251Herding Cats: Best Business Practices for Brokers and AgentsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
09/12/1937187Getting Past No: Negotiation StrategiesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
09/05/1935307The 1 to 4 Contract BootcampContractsTexas REALTORS5
08/29/19420GRI: Contracts to ClosingQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
08/09/1933198Legal Update II (2018-2019)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
08/09/1933197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update ITexas REALTORS4
08/06/1935833Senior Real Estate Specialist Designation CourseRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS16
05/08/19557GRI Marketing: Business SkillsQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
04/12/1918700STATE BAR COURSERE CE ElectiveState Bar1
04/05/19779GRI BrokerageQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
03/27/1935837Google Tools for MLSRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
03/26/1935838Matrix MLS Tips and TricksRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
03/19/1935839Beyond Matrix MLSRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
03/18/1932602Applied EthicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
02/19/1933561The Basics of Transaction DeskRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
02/13/1935772Home Inspections: What Every Realtor Should KnowRE CE ElectiveGreen Scene Home Inspections1
02/06/1935834MLS Tax for NTREISRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
01/23/1935107Boosting Repeat and Referral BusinessRE CE ElectiveProvidence Title Company1
01/17/1933562Matrix Contracts, Auto Email and Client PortalRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
01/17/1932065MLS Advanced MatrixRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
01/16/1933411Business Planning - Strategy for SuccessRE CE ElectiveThe Murray Group2
01/11/1933139The Psychology of Sales and NegotiationRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
12/05/1833563MLS Rules and RegulationsRE CE ElectiveGreater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, Inc.2
11/27/1832551Intro to FEMA Flood Maps & Elevation CertificatesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
09/12/1831687Foreclosures and REO SalesRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
09/12/1834244Short Sales: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How?RE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
03/07/1833308Think ServiceRE CE ElectiveThe Murray Group1
02/07/1830637Is Your Pricing Strategy on Target?RE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS1
10/11/1731763Luxury Listing SpecialistRE CE ElectivePreferred Systems, Inc.3
08/22/1729623Legal Update IILegal Update IIChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
08/22/1729622Legal Update ILegal Update IChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
08/21/1729949Farm and Ranch Real EstateRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD10
08/14/1730743Pricing Unique PropertiesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
08/09/1729671At Home with DiversityRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC8
06/27/1732380Commercial Contracts: Getting Where You Want to BeRE CE ElectiveNorth American Title Company2
05/24/1732241Deep in the Heart of TaxesRE CE ElectiveNorth American Title Company1
05/11/1732299Associating with HOAsRE CE ElectiveNorth American Title Company1
04/12/1730160TimeRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
03/23/1728896Real Estate Law - Top Ten TipsRE CE ElectiveNorth American Title Company1
01/19/1729351Pricing Strategies: Mastering the CMARE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
09/27/1630375Farming with NTREIS Tax DataRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
09/23/1629835Appraisal Techniques for the Real Estate ProfessionalRE CE ElectiveAlliant National Title Insurance Company2
09/22/1628560Appraisals From a Lenders Point of ViewRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
07/20/1629378Residential Renovation FinancingRE CE ElectiveFNF Lawyers Title of Texas, Inc.2
05/04/1627536MASTERING EMAIL NEGOTIATIONS IN REAL ESTATERE CE ElectiveNegotiation Expertise, LLC6
05/03/1628617Advanced Negotiation Techniques for Buyer's AgentsRE CE ElectiveNegotiation Expertise, LLC6
01/21/1629967Recent Approved Changes to the TREC ContractRE CE ElectiveOld Republic National Title Insurance Company1
11/11/1529378Residential Renovation FinancingRE CE ElectiveFNF Lawyers Title of Texas, Inc.2
10/02/1528209Seller Representative SpecialistRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD15
09/29/1528818Accredited Buyer's RepresentativeRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD15
07/09/1526928Credit Education for RealtorsRE CE ElectiveRising Point Solutions, LLC2
06/16/1528543H.O.W. Facebook Lists for Leads On the GoRE CE ElectiveFNF Lawyers Title of Texas, Inc.2
09/16/1426992Staying Safe in Real EstateRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.2
07/29/1426887Foundation Repair and Drainage for Real Estate ProfessionalsRE CE ElectiveFoundation Dynamics, Inc.3
06/17/1426410Linkedin - Really Connect!RE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
04/29/1426895iPad for the Real Estate WorldRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company2
04/14/1426503Using Social Media Marketing in Real EstateRE CE ElectiveFirst American Title Company3
04/03/1426718Powers of AttorneyRE CE ElectiveWestcor Land Title Insurance Company1
03/25/1425605UNDERSTANDING CONDOMINIUMSRE CE ElectiveRepublic Title of Texas, Inc.1
12/28/1323559TREC Ethics MCELegal Update IILone Star College Tomball3
12/28/1323558TREC Legal Update MCELegal Update ILone Star College Tomball3
11/19/1326329Avoiding Common Contract MistakesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
11/18/1324888MOBILE APPS FOR REAL ESTATE-ELEVATE YOUR BUSINESSRE CE ElectiveTitle Resources Guaranty Company1
10/10/13411REAL ESTATE FINANCE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
10/01/13711REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
09/17/12511REAL ESTATE MARKETING IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
09/11/12112Principles of Real Estate IIQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
09/09/12531RE MKT-BUSINESS BROKERAGEQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
09/05/121111LAW OF AGENCYQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
08/14/121200LAW OF CONTRACTSQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
05/05/12811PROPERTY MANAGEMENT IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30
03/14/12111PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE IQualifying RE TopicsLone Star College Tomball30