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Sales Agent, License #510605
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Real Estate Education History
Course Date Course Number Course Name Subject Provider Name Hours
02/26/2532071Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) Designation CourseRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS16
11/19/2450192Real Estate Hot Topics: Don't Get BurnedRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
10/29/2447581Texas Ag Exemption: What Real Estate Agents Should KnowRE CE ElectiveTexas AgriLife Extension Service2
07/10/2439438Accredited Buyer's RepresentativeRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS16
06/21/2448179Do You Know Your 1-4 Contract Addendums?ContractsTexas REALTORS3
06/20/2448551The 3 Hour TourRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
05/13/2447482Current Texas Policy and Law Impacting Real EstateRE CE ElectiveTexas AgriLife Extension Service1
05/13/2445025Texas Real Estate: Situation and OutlookRE CE ElectiveTexas AgriLife Extension Service1
05/13/2446632Ins and Outs of the Residence Homestead Tax ExemptionRE CE ElectiveTexas AgriLife Extension Service1
03/14/2447601Legal Update II (2024-2025)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
03/14/2447600Legal Update I (2024-2025)Legal Update ITexas REALTORS4
03/13/2448179Do You Know Your 1-4 Contract Addendums?ContractsTexas REALTORS3
10/17/2345647The ABC's of TitleRE CE ElectiveFirst National Title Insurance Company1
10/03/2330122At Home with DiversityRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
09/19/2342273Foundation Repairs As they Relate to Real Estate TransactionsRE CE ElectiveThomas M Kidd3
08/29/2341937Business Planning for Real Estate AgentsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS4
08/06/2342039Legal Update I (2022-2023)Legal Update IChampions School of Real Estate, LTD4
07/27/2346107Legislature, Law and Texas REALTORSRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
06/15/2342040Legal Update II (2022-2023)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
05/17/2344345Spokesperson Training for Texas REALTORSRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
05/12/2344345Spokesperson Training for Texas REALTORSRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
04/18/2343195Fair Housing: Here's Where We AreRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
04/11/2346060Texas REALTORS Industry Issues and UpdatesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
08/26/2242213Texas Ag Exemption: What Real Estate Agents Should KnowRE CE ElectiveTexas AgriLife Extension Service2
06/29/2241145Understanding the Nature of a Farm and Ranch ContractContractsTexas REALTORS4
03/22/2241321Texas REALTORS 360 Real InsightsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
01/11/2241214Addendums to the TREC Contract: In-DepthContractsIndependence Title1
11/09/2142101Business Planning 365RE CE ElectiveIndependence Title1
05/27/2139057CMA vs AppraisalRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
02/04/2137796Legal Update I (2020-2021)Legal Update ITexas REALTORS4
02/02/2137797Legal Update II (2020-2021)Legal Update IITexas REALTORS4
12/02/2037688The Forms You Need to KnowContractsTexas REALTORS3
12/02/2039651The NAR Code of EthicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
11/13/2035325The Fixer-Upper's Guide to Renovation LoansRE CE ElectiveWillow Bend Mortgage Company, LLC1
09/01/2037386Negotiating Skills, Concepts and PracticesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
06/30/20557GRI Marketing: Business SkillsQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
05/21/2037242Understanding National Flood Insurance ProgramRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
05/19/2034720The NAR Code of EthicsRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS3
05/14/2035307The 1 to 4 Contract BootcampContractsTexas REALTORS5
04/15/2037879The Connecting Mind: Real Estate's Missing LinkRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS6
03/10/2038714Understanding the Title CommitmentRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
01/23/2036877Understanding the Nature of a Farm and Ranch ContractContractsTexas REALTORS4
11/20/1937502What Can Kill the Deal?RE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
11/13/1937501Understanding Mortgage BasicsRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
11/05/1937725Manufactured HousingRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
10/30/1937500How to Match the Contract to the LoanRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
10/23/1937635Understanding Different Personality TypesRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
10/16/1937499Controlling the ChaosRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
10/02/1937724The Millennial MarketplaceRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
09/25/1937496Relationship SellingRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
09/18/1937495Agent Business StrategyRE CE ElectiveMichelle Rene Castle1
08/23/1933058Pricing Strategies: Mastering the CMARE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
08/23/1933058Pricing Strategies: Mastering the CMARE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS8
08/08/1933447Accredited Buyer RepresentativeRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS16
08/02/1933502New-Home Construction and Buyer RepresentationRE CE ElectiveChampions School of Real Estate, LTD8
06/22/1933791Preparing a Market Analysis - Best PracticesRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC4
06/22/1935131Title and Escrow: Two Families, One TransactionRE CE ElectiveThe CE Shop LLC3
06/21/1933198Legal Update II (2018-2019)Legal Update IIThe CE Shop LLC4
06/20/1935697Advanced Real Estate Finance UpdateRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
06/18/1933296Avoiding Common Contract MistakesRE CE ElectiveTexas REALTORS2
06/18/1933197Legal Update I (2018-2019)Legal Update IThe CE Shop LLC4
07/23/1729622Legal Update ILegal Update ILone Star College Tomball4
07/23/1729623Legal Update IILegal Update IILone Star College Tomball4
07/23/1729946Insider's Guide to Commercial Real EstateRE CE ElectiveLone Star College Tomball10
07/28/1525974TIME MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONRE CE ElectiveGeeWhiz Real Estate School9
07/17/1526475TREC Ethics MCELegal Update IIGeeWhiz Real Estate School3
07/09/1526474TREC Legal Update MCELegal Update IGeeWhiz Real Estate School3
05/21/1323033TAX WRITE OFF'S FOR THE SELF EMPLOYEDRE CE ElectiveKaplan University9
02/21/1323556TREC Ethics MCELegal Update IITexas REALTORS3
04/19/1223555TREC Legal Update MCELegal Update ITexas REALTORS3
07/28/1118658TREC ETHICS MCE (E) (ONLINE EXAM)Legal Update IIMbition Learn Real Estate3
04/21/1118649TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L)Legal Update ITexas REALTORS3
04/07/11777GRI:REAL ESTATE BROKERAGEQualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
06/11/0916497TREC ETHICS MCE (E)Legal Update IIAlliant National Title Insurance Company3
03/26/09444GRI I(FINANCE)Qualifying RE TopicsTexas REALTORS30
02/26/0917315BUILDING A BIGGER BUILDER BUSINESSRE CE ElectiveEbby Halliday Real Estate, LLC2
09/11/0816496TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L)Legal Update IAlliant National Title Insurance Company3
08/16/0714954UNDERSTANDING SURVEYS & TITLE ISSUESRE CE ElectiveDawn Enoch Moore, P.C.2
07/26/0713837TREC LEGAL UPDATE MCE (L)Legal Update IMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.3
07/26/0713881TREC ETHICS (E) (INCLUDES TREC ETHICS)Legal Update IIMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.3
07/26/0713881TREC ETHICS (E) (INCLUDES TREC ETHICS)RE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.1
07/25/0714533LISTING STRATEGIES USING PRICINGRE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.4
07/25/0714486CMA: USE THE TOOLSRE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.4
06/28/0715586THE ODDS BE WITH YOURE CE ElectiveReal Estate Education Services3
07/28/061021RES INSPECTION RE AGENTSQualifying RE TopicsKaplan Real Estate Education30
08/12/04511REAL ESTATE MARKETING IQualifying RE TopicsMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.30
08/28/0313101NTREIS LISTINGRE CE ElectiveMetroTex Association of Realtors, Inc.2
07/27/031200LAW OF CONTRACTSQualifying RE TopicsKaplan Real Estate Education30
07/20/031111LAW OF AGENCYQualifying RE TopicsKaplan Real Estate Education30
07/17/03111PRINCIPLES OF REAL ESTATE IQualifying RE TopicsKaplan Real Estate Education30
07/13/03112Principles of Real Estate IIQualifying RE TopicsKaplan Real Estate Education30